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Softball Drops Pair At Alabama Huntsville

Softball Drops Pair At Alabama Huntsville

The Northwood University softball team dropped a pair of games at the Alabama Huntsvill Chillout Saturday (February 8). The Timberwolves dropped a 5-3 contest to Southern Indiana before falling 8-0 to No. 7 Indianapolis.

The Timberwolves are now 2-2 on the season.

Missed opportunities cost Northwood in the game versus Southern Indiana. Northwood registered just one fewer hit than USI (11-10) and drew three more walks (5-3), but the Timberwolves stranded 13 runners in the game. NU took a 1-0 lead in the first inning on a Sam Zaborowski (Taylor, Mich./Cabrini) RBI single which followed a triple by Linsday Obremski (DuBois, Pa.). But the Screaming Eagles plated two in the third, two more in the fourth and one in the fifth. The Timberwolves rallied in the seventh, scoring a pair and loading the bases with one out, but were unable to plate the tying run. Obremski had three hits in the game, while Zaborowski reached all four teams at the plate (one hit, three walks). Maddison Sebald (Bay City, Mich./Western) took the loss, allowing four runs on seven hits in three innings of work. Freshman Vanessa Ewing (Dundee, Mich.) came into the game in relief and threw well, allowing one unearned run in three innings of work.

A six-run fourth inning broke the game open for Indianapolis in the nightcap. The Timberwolves finished the game with five hits, two of which came from Zaborowski.

Northwood will take on Union and Kentucky Wesleyan to finish the tournament. Game times are set for 10 a.m. and Noon.